Conditions Treated

Posture Disturbance

Postural problems are thought by some to be the root of all musculoskeletal evil, particularly in the non-traumatic onset pains. Posture is both a static and dynamic concept. It’s not just about how straight you stand, but also about quality of movement; the balance coordination and interactive function of your various body regions. Posture is a function of your parental inheritance, the sports you play, the work tasks you perform, the furniture you use, and most importantly, your body image and self-esteem. It is critical to address postural problems early in life before it is too late.

Lower Back Pain

Some sobering statistics: For persons under 45 years of age, low back pain (LBP) is the most common cause of disability. LBP is the most costly ailment to society in the working-age population. 60-90% of people will suffer LBP at some stage in their life. 80% of people will experience a recurrence of their LBP within a year, even after the episode appeared to have resolved.


Sciatica is defined as pain experienced in the distribution of the sciatic nerve, ie buttock and leg. It can vary from a mild nuisance- value pain, through to severe and debilitating pain with disruption of nerve function to the legs/bladder/bowel, requiring emergency surgery.

Sacroiliac Joint Problems

“My pelvis is out”. How often have we heard that? What does it mean? Can this really happen? The medical profession is fervently divided on it’s view about the SIJ as a source of pain, let alone it’s ability to move and become mis-aligned. Straight Back Physiotherapists examine for mis-alignment of the pelvis and spine and use a range of joint and muscle-balancing techniques to optimise alignment and improve function in and around the low back, pelvis and hips.

Spinal Instability

This is a relatively new concept, and a buzz-word that is used throughout the medical, physiotherapy and exercise industry to pedal a range of treatment approaches and products. It is a concept, not a diagnosis. There is variation from profession to profession as to the definition. Physiotherapists use the term to describe either structural ‘looseness’ from damage to bones, joints or ligaments, or more commonly, dysfunction in the deep stabilising muscles of the joint such that undesirable movements, shifts and forces are imposed on the joint. These deep stabilising muscles can be re-trained to restore spinal stability.


Do you suffer from?

  • Migraines
  • Tension Headache
  • Cervicogenic Headache
  • Cluster Headaches
  • Menstrual Headaches
  • Have you injured your neck?
  • Do you have poor trunk or head posture?

Did you know that pain felt in your head can be referred from your neck?

Knee Conditions

Knees may be injured in sporting trauma, affected by misalignment of the trunk and lower limbs, or just wear out with age. Early diagnosis and intervention for knee conditions can save a lifetime of problems with your cartilage joint surfaces, menisci, muscles, ligaments, fat pads, tendons, knee-cap joint etc Don’t under-estimate the importance of proper knee performance for health and function of the spine.

Shoulder Conditions

The shoulder complex is not just one joint, it is a complicated system involving the clavicle (collar bone) and muscles, scapula (shoulder blade) bone and muscles as well as the neck and trunk that support them. The shoulder complex requires to be finely tuned in terms of posture, muscle flexibility and strength and motor coordination (brain control). Even subtle biomechanical flaws or occupational/sporting mis-use can result in significant problems including bursitis, “tendonitis” , rotator cuff impingement/tears, labral injuries, instability, dislocation and arthritis.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a syndrome, not a diagnosis, so it is best referred to as lateral elbow pain. Other labels for this condition include lateral epicondylitis, extensor tendonitis and common extensor tendinopathy. “Tennis elbow” refers to pain experienced on the outside of the elbow, as distinct from “Golfers’ elbow” which is felt on the inside of the elbow. Most people who experience tennis elbow don’t play tennis, but it does tend to occur in persons who use their hand repeatedly for gripping and reaching activities, often where there is an element of occupational repetition. Tennis elbow is one of the most recalcitrant problems seen in the clinic.

Ankle Conditions

The ankle is most commonly injured in sporting incidents where ligaments are strained or torn. This type of trauma can also damage the joint lining cartilage. Proper functioning of the ankle is critical for sound performance of the joints above it in the biomechanical chain of the leg. Loss of ankle movement or stability through injury will severely affect shock absorption, ground adaptation, balance, power and agility.

Pregnancy-related Problems

I think women drew the short straw! While they enjoy the miracle, beauty and reward of motherhood, the process of pregnancy, labour, delivery and early motherhood can have significant affect on the female body. Common musculoskeletal problems in pregnancy and new motherhood include LBP, sciatica, hypermobility syndrome, postural deterioration, pelvic floor problems and incontinence, tummy muscle dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, De Quervain’s syndrome along with difficulties with exercise selection.

Work-related Problems

Straight Back Physiotherapists understand that the management of the injured worker is not always the same as a privately funded patient. In dealing with an injured worker whose health care is funded by a third party, many and often conflicting view points need to be taken into account, balanced and managed in order to reduce symptoms, reinstate the worker’s function and facilitate a successful return to work (RTW) plan.


Incontinence is common after childbirth, but also surprisingly common in women (and men) who have never been pregnant. Incontinence can be socially debilitating and humiliating. Pleasingly, many cases of incontinence can be treated without surgery. More recent research has pointed to the importance of the pelvic floor not only as a sphincter to control the outlet of your bladder and bowel, but as a dynamic muscle stabiliser of the pelvis and spine. Disturbance of the pelvic floor can result in LBP just as easily as incontinence, hence incontinence is often associated with LBP.

Hip Problems

What causes hip pain? “Hip” pain may be produced by any of the joints, muscles, tendon, labrum/cartilage, or bursae in the local area, or the pain may be referred from the lumbar spine and pelvis. Spinal levels as high as the lower thoracic spine can refer pain to the hip and groin area. When patients report “hip pain”, often they refer to pain experienced over the iliac crest at the base of the spine. This is not directly related to the hip joint, but usually a lumbar spine source. The hip joint proper however, will usually refer pain to the groin, upper thigh (even down to the knee), trochanteric area on the side of the hip, or the buttock.

Biomechanical Problems

Biomechanical problems affecting shins, heels & feet, Lower limb biomechanical syndromes, Patella tendinopathy (jumper’s knee), Osgood-Schlatter Disorder, Iliotibial band friction syndrome (runner’s knee), Shin splints (tenoperiosteitis, stress fracture, compartment syndrome.), Achilles tendinopathy, Sever’s disease, Plantar fasciitis, heel spurs